Withdrawal Policy: Student-Initiated Withdrawal and Administrative Withdrawal

Student-Initiated Withdrawal

Enrolled students who withdraw during a semester before the deadline to withdraw from a course with no penalty will receive a W for their courses. Students who withdraw after the deadline to withdraw from a course but before the end of the semester will receive a grade of F in each of their courses. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates.

Students who choose to withdraw from the college should contact the Office of Student Success and Retention to discuss options for support. It is the student’s responsibility to signal their intent to withdraw by completing the Application for Withdrawal form located on myRegistrar. The last date of attendance will be set as the last day the student received services from the college. If this date cannot be determined, the last date of attendance will be set within 30 days of mid-term of final exams. In cases when a student is withdrawing at the end of a semester, the last date of attendance will be the last day of the final exam period.

Administrative Withdrawal

The college reserves the right to place students on an administrative suspension for academic, behavioral, financial, social or medical reasons. Students who are suspended from the college will be administratively withdrawn. Students who wish to return to the college should refer to the procedures below. In addition, the college can also dismiss students from Colby-Sawyer College. Such students will be administratively dismissed and may not be readmitted.

Unearned Military Tuition Assistance Policy For Department of Defense

Return of Tuition Assistance: Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally awarded.

To comply with the new Department of Defense policy, Colby-Sawyer College will return any unearned TA funds on a prorated basis through at least the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending. These funds are returned to the military Service branch.

Instances when a Service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, the educational institution will work with the affected Service member to identify solutions that will not result in student debt for the returned portion.

Pro-Rated Schedule for Return of Military Tuition Assistance Funds

16 Weeks Course Withdraw Submitted (session 012)

Prior to the start of class or during weeks 1-2 100%
During weeks 3-4 75%
During weeks 5-8 50%
During week 9 (60% course completed) 40%
During weeks 10-16 0

15 Weeks Course Withdraw Submitted (sessions 001/011)

Prior to the start of class or during weeks 1-2 100%
During weeks 3-4 90%
During weeks 5-6 75%
During weeks 7-8 50%
During week 9 (60% course completed 40%
During weeks 10-15         0

8 Weeks (Sessions 201/202)

Prior to the start of class or during week 1 100%
During weeks 2 75%
During weeks 3-4 50%
During week 5 (60% course completed) 40%
During weeks 6-8 0

Procedures for Returning from a Withdrawal

Student-Initiated Withdrawal: A student who wants to re-enroll within one year of a student-initiated withdrawal must submit a written request for reinstatement to the Office of Student Success and Retention. Unless there are significant changes to their program, students who are away for less than one year may follow their original catalog. Please note that certain majors have outside accreditation requirements, returning students must meet the requirements stipulated by the accrediting body.

Students who want to return after being withdrawn from the college for over one academic year must reapply to the college through the Admissions Office. Students will follow the catalog for the new readmit year. If needed, students may petition the appropriate school dean of their major to seek permission to allow older courses to meet new requirements. Please Note: Students who have been gone for 5 years or more must meet with the dean.

Administrative Withdrawal: Students who are suspended are eligible to return to the college after a specified period of time. Students who plan to return to the college at the end of their suspension period must submit the appropriate documentation to the Office of Student Success and Retention before being reinstated. Unless there are significant changes to their program, students may follow their original catalog. Please note that certain majors have outside accreditation requirements, returning students must meet the requirements stipulated by the accrediting body.

Students who do not return immediately from their suspension and have been gone over one academic year must reapply to the college through the Admissions Office. If needed, students may petition the dean of their major to seek permission to allow older courses to meet new requirements. Please Note: If you have been gone for 5 years or more you must meet with the appropriate school dean to review whether or not the courses you have already taken are still relevant to the major.

Note: See section on Tuition for information regarding refunds upon withdrawal.