Grading System

A four-point letter grade system is used to indicate student achievement. The grade point average is calculated by multiplying the earned quality points for each course by the number of credits attempted for that course, then dividing by the total number of GPA credits attempted. Each letter grade has the following numerical quality-point value:

A      = 4.00

B+   = 3.30

C+   = 2.30

D+   = 1.30

F      = 0.00

A-    = 3.70

B      = 3.00

C      = 2.00

D     = 1.00



B-    = 2.70

C-    = 1.70

D-    = 0.70


  • A, A– indicate exceptional performance. A high degree of critical thinking, reflection, application of knowledge and creativity has been demonstrated. Writing and communication skills are highly developed. Requirements have been fulfilled, and extensive knowledge of facts and principles has been demonstrated.
  • B+, B, B– indicate good performance. A substantial amount of critical thinking, reflection and application of knowledge has been demonstrated. Writing and communication skills are well developed. Requirements have been fulfilled, and a substantial knowledge of facts and principles has been demonstrated, though clearly not at an A level.
  • C+, C indicate adequate performance. Critical thinking, reflection and application of knowledge have been demonstrated at a competent level. Writing and communication skills also are at a competent level. Requirements of the course have been fulfilled, and an understanding of facts and principles has been demonstrated.
  • C–, D+, D, D– indicate performance that is barely acceptable. Very little critical thinking, reflection or application of knowledge has been demonstrated. Writing and communication skills often are inadequate. Some requirements may not have been fulfilled, and very little knowledge of facts and principles has been demonstrated. These are the lowest grades for which academic credit is given.
  • F indicates unacceptable performance. Little if any understanding of basic facts has been demonstrated, and requirements clearly have not been fulfilled. No college credit is given for this grade, but it is factored into the GPA.
    Students who withdraw from the college or from a course after the deadline to withdraw from a course with no penalty (see the Academic Calendar) will receive a grade of F.
  • I An incomplete is awarded only in unusual or extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control. Prior to the end of the semester the student and the faculty member must agree that an incomplete is appropriate and agree upon a date by which all work will be submitted, no later than three weeks after the beginning of the following term. The student must file a permission form with the Academic Vice President and Dean of Faculty’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m. of the last day of classes for the semester. Permission forms are located on the myColby-Sawyer site, in the myRegistrar section. If permission is granted, the student must submit all work by the agreed upon date and the faculty member must file a grade within seven days of that date.
  • W Courses dropped between the end of the add/drop period and before the last day to withdraw from a course will be indicated by a W on the student’s grade report and transcript. A course dropped after this period, whether a student or faculty member initiated withdrawal, automatically becomes an F (See the Academic Calendar). W’s do not impact GPA.
    Students who withdraw from the college or a course before the deadline to withdraw from a course with no penalty (see the Academic Calendar) will receive a W for their courses.
  • WA Administrative withdrawal (if given after the deadline to withdraw from a course, the grade of “F” will be awarded to the student)
  • P Pass in a Pass/Fail course does not impact GPA
  • NF Failure in a Pass/Fail course
  • CR Credit granted, no grade does not impact GPA
  • AU Audit (no grade or credit granted)
  • NR No grade reported
  • NC No credit granted
  • E Exempt - no credit granted does not impact GPA
  • [ ] Repeated course:  Only the latest registration affects cumulative average regardless if the grade earned is higher or lower than the original grade.

Pass/Fail Option

Students in most degree programs are allowed to take one free elective course per academic year starting in the fall semester on a Pass/Fail basis. Major courses, minor courses, Wesson Honors courses and liberal education courses must be taken for a letter grade. Prior to the end of the fourth week of fall or spring classes, students wishing to elect the Pass/Fail option submit the appropriate Permission form, gaining approval of the faculty member and the student’s advisor. The pass/fail deadline is pro-rated for summer and other sessions of less than 15 weeks. Permission forms are located on myRegistrar. (See the Academic Calendar for submission deadlines.)

Mid-semester Grades

A faculty member may confer at any time during the semester with a student believed to be in academic difficulty. Mid-semester grades may be issued by faculty members to inform students of their progress in a course at mid-semester. Mid-semester grades are required for first-year students and for students whose mid-semester grade is below C. These grades are available to the student and the student’s academic advisor. Students should confer with both the faculty member and academic advisor to determine the best method of ensuring students’ academic progress and success.

Satisfactory Progress

Colby-Sawyer College recognizes that student’s progress through their academic careers at different rates. Students with a minimum of twelve credits should complete the requirements for a baccalaureate degree within a six-year period and associate degree candidates should graduate within a three year period. Extenuating circumstances may justify an extension to be given by the academic vice president and dean of faculty. Part-time students with less than twelve credits are expected to complete their degree requirements on a pro rata basis.

Satisfactory Academic Standing

The standard for minimum satisfactory academic standing for all undergraduate students is a 2.00 cumulative grade point average (GPA); for graduate students it is 2.70. Satisfactory progress is monitored each semester to assure undergraduate students meet the cumulative GPA requirement of 2.00 or higher in order to graduate. Students who have not achieved satisfactory standing may be restricted from enrolling in specific courses, internships and athletic participation and are at risk of not being eligible for college and federal financial aid. Please see section on academic suspension and withdrawal for further information.

Standardized grading scale

A      = 93.0-100

B+   = 87.0-89.9

C+   = 77.0-79.9

D+   = 67.0-69.9

F      = 00.0-59.9

A-    = 90.0-92.9

B      = 83.0-86.9

C      = 73.0-76.9

D     = 63.0-66.9



B-    = 80.0-82.9

C-    = 70.0-72.9

D-    = 60.0-62.9